Hmmm…well…I’m not sure what HTTP error means, but I’m able to get page 14 up in all its glory. This page actually looked quite a bit different when I first laid it out. Once again, I think Stephen and I caught a nice groove on these last few pages. The big question is whether or […]
I’ve had some technology issues lately. I’ve been hit with the dreaded HTTP Error. I guess this means somewhere in the process, the internet doesn’t like some of my files. Given what I’ve done to some of them over the years, I’m not surprised that a few of them are a little funky. So here […]
This page was a bitch to load! Thank God for Iphones! And it’s a day early. Better early than not at all. Update: This page IS still a bitch to load! I updated the letters, as I am now much more adept at sizing and placement. I also committed the unspeakable lettering error of not […]
This is a simply AWESOME page that I feel a touch embarrassed posting on my site as I feel I had very little to do with it. Stephen is quite possibly the finest artist I have ever worked with and he has pushed me to get better. These are Stephen Prescott’s pencils with my inks. […]
Confession time part 2. When I first published this page on Tumblr, I absolutely hated it. Believe it or not, it was a bear to draw. I ended up being pretty unhappy with it. Luckily, Stephen, made my lack of skill look pretty damn good. This page is penciled by me, inked by Stephen Prescott, […]
Ok, it should be REALLY obvious that Stephen, my co-artist on this is FAR better than me. I am honored to work with this man on anything, let alone my own project. This page is a combination of his pencils, my inks, and Josh Nelson’s panel layout. I think we have a very successful page!
I am pretty happy with this page even if it’s a scene out of pretty much any comic book. For some reason, our heroes seem to hang out on rooftops quite a bit. The other ubiquitous setting for heroes is the alley. I am sure there is a symbolic meaning for this, but I suspect […]
This page tells the story, but I think I overworked it. When I’m unsure about how to render a page, I tend to get really “heavy” with cross hatching. This is probably done subconsciously or intentionally to cover up my lack of skill at rendering everyday objects. Still, it passes my test for whether it […]
I don’t often toot my own horn, but this page turned out pretty nice. Story by Josh Nelson and art by myself. From time to time, Stephen would be engaged in something else and I’d be left to do the page myself. While this makes for an uneven product from time to time…well…I actually don’t […]
This is a dynamic page penciled by the very talented Stephen Prescott, Story by Josh Nelson and inks by me. Early on, I struggled to ink Stephen’s beautiful pages, but we started to adapt nicely to each other as we went along. Tell me what you think!