Page 4 features another guest penciler that I work with at Fantasium Draw Club in Federal Way, Wa. The script is by the ever talented Josh Nelson and the inks are by yours truly. Eldurwen brings kind of a Manga Style to the table that I had a blast working in. Enjoy!
This is a beautiful page penciled by Stephen Prescott and inked by myself. Stephen is simply an amazing artist, mentor, and friend. Josh also wrote one hell of a story for us to draw. Many people think of the writing of a comic to simply be the words. There is far more to it than […]
Here we see the mad scientist at work. This was a fun page to come up with. You might notice that this story starts from the perspective of the villain.
Here we are for issue #2! Issue 2 features a story by Josh Nelson, of Comixbrew, a rollicking podcast that talks about all things comics and beer, a wonderful combination if ever there was one. If you drink enough beer, some of Marvel’s editorial decisions in the nineties make a hell of a lot more […]
No need to explain this. These are all the people that did the work!
A bit of explanation: I attempted to have three pages hit tonight. The cover, the title page and page 1. The pages posted in a weird order. I have since corrected the order. Sorry about any mix ups. This cover evokes the old Bob Kane Batman covers.