At long last, page 12

Happy Thanksgiving to those, other than my mother, who are still reading!

Page 12 took a long and strange journey. Originally, I planned for Nightstik and Arnold to stroll into a biker bar and have a pretty violent, yet conventional bar brawl. It just wasn’t working for me. So I looked around for more references to get a certain look for the bar patrons. Credit Stephen for coming to the rescue with a cast of reprobates and rejects from a “Mad Max” movie to populate this generic bar, simply called “Bar.” And yes, that’s a talking monkey. We have seen Nightstik survive gunshots and lift cars. Now is not the time to claim that a talking monkey is a stretch!

In a complete coincidence, while looking for a reference to stand in for the bar’s exterior, I stumbled across a picture of what I later learned was the Bethel Tavern, now known as the Bethel Saloon from my very own hometown of Port Orchard. When I created Nightstik, I would always picture him running amok in Port Orchard. Now it is so.

However, I have never actually set foot in the Bethel Tavern, now Saloon. Whether or not there is a talking monkey in there, I cannot say.


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