The obligatory two-page spread! Can even Nightstik take down this behemoth? Tune in next week and find out! In a slightly unrelated rant, I went and saw Rogue One this weekend. No spoilers here, just an observation. Everyone in the Star Wars Universe is a shitty parent and/or really bad at relationships. Allow me to […]
This page came together fairly quick. I will admit I made liberal use of photo references for the skin cell design, and the figures. Enjoy!
Hopefully, this comes across. The idea here is that the bullet hits Nightstik who is obviously resistant to gunfire. More explanation to follow on the next page. The working explanation is that Nightstik’s skin and muscles mimic “natural Kevlar.” A big thanks to Stephen Prescott for his recommendation to add the last panel and suggest […]
This page was a BEAR! The idea was simple. A big dynamic splash page depicting what is seen on first person shooters all the time. Like I said. Simple, right? NOPE! The angle just wasn’t looking right. I twisted it. I turned it. I flipped it. At one point, I was drawing it upside down. […]
I will spare you all the usual excuses as to why this is late. Life, back to school, etc. But here is page 7. I initially did this as a four panel spread,but added the middle black panel and went open panel on the top right to break up the page a little. This page […]
Here we get a good look at some physical endurance challenges for Nightstik. Note that Nightstik elects to skip the heat test. This is the part were I ruminate a bit on the arcane and mystical process of producing a comic book. Some pages come together really fast. I get an idea of how to […]
One of the great debates about superheroes is who is fastest, strongest, etc. I tried to make Nightstik “realistically” strong and fast. Here we see him running at Cheetah speed, which is about twice as fast plus a little more than the fastest recorded human has run. This was a fun page to draw and […]
This page is a return to “traditional media.” I penciled this one out old school and inked it with a brush and a bit of pen work. The ground and lettering I did with Manga Studio. I wasn’t nostalgic enough to try and hand letter it. Update: My drawing partner suggested putting the ground into […]
So Jaguar was working for someone else all along! Who put up the cash? Be here next week for the stunning reveal! This page is dedicated to all of my seniors who graduated this last weekend. This one’s for you, guys! Enjoy! Toby Dycus
Page 14 is upon you! Sorry for the delay. I finally gave up on this one. It tells the story, so up it goes. Enjoy!