Tag Archives: #blackandwhite

Page 12!

Lately, I’ve been falling into a pattern of finishing my page Sunday morning. My dog has the horrible habit of waking up at 4:00 AM and only harassing me. So it seems early Sunday morning is my time to finish. So it goes. This page turned out a little more “cartoony” than I was going […]

Page 6! Late!

This page has about 20 or so hours wrapped up in it. I’ve been pretty happy with the past few pages. I feel like I’ve made a lot of growth in storytelling. Getting my page out by Saturday gets to be a real challenge with work and that thing called my life. I have learned […]

Pg 21!!!

We are getting close! Nightstik #2 is drawing to a close. Originally the borders on these panels were straight and well defined. As usual, Stephen gave me a great idea to blur the lines around Needles. What I loved about this effect is that the reader gets a sense that poor Needles really had his […]