Lately, I’ve been falling into a pattern of finishing my page Sunday morning. My dog has the horrible habit of waking up at 4:00 AM and only harassing me. So it seems early Sunday morning is my time to finish. So it goes. This page turned out a little more “cartoony” than I was going […]
This page took a hell of a lot of work. While I freely cop to using photo references and then basically “tracing” it was still pretty tough to convert a color picture into black and white. When I look for references, I’m mainly looking for composition and poses. To my dozens, that enjoy using their […]
Interestingly, this page is pretty suggestive, despite the fact that there are no explicit images on the page. I altered the dialogue just a bit as the writer was far more suggestive. I’ve always felt it was best to let the audience make the connection. Does it work here? Who can say? Ah! The power […]
What else indeed! As busy as my life has been lately, all two people that come to this website might find a page or an excuse note. So here we are on page 8. Some of you might notice slight differences in the credits. I am a strong believer in giving credit where credit is […]
This page has about 20 or so hours wrapped up in it. I’ve been pretty happy with the past few pages. I feel like I’ve made a lot of growth in storytelling. Getting my page out by Saturday gets to be a real challenge with work and that thing called my life. I have learned […]
Thank you to my dozens of fans for waiting to get this page up. I am pretty proud of it for a couple of reasons. First, Ms. Morgan, the woman in the lower right panel ACTUALLY looks like a woman. Her calf muscles are a bit heavy for a woman, but as you can see […]
Happy 2016! We are approaching the one year anniversary of Here we have the first page of 2016! Lot’s of work went into this one. You would think that someone that works in a school would have a fairly easy time drawing one. You would be wrong! A lot of research went into this […]
We are getting close! Nightstik #2 is drawing to a close. Originally the borders on these panels were straight and well defined. As usual, Stephen gave me a great idea to blur the lines around Needles. What I loved about this effect is that the reader gets a sense that poor Needles really had his […]
Page 4 features another guest penciler that I work with at Fantasium Draw Club in Federal Way, Wa. The script is by the ever talented Josh Nelson and the inks are by yours truly. Eldurwen brings kind of a Manga Style to the table that I had a blast working in. Enjoy!
A bit of explanation: I attempted to have three pages hit tonight. The cover, the title page and page 1. The pages posted in a weird order. I have since corrected the order. Sorry about any mix ups. This cover evokes the old Bob Kane Batman covers.