Tag Archives: blackandwhiteart

Page 30!

Here is page 30. This is a play on Amazing Spider-Man #1 where Peter Parker momentarily ponders a life of crime to pay the bills. Well, Nightstik has no sick aunt, so he indulges in a 14 year old’s coolest fantasy.

Page 14

This page isn’t all that different from its first inception wayyyyyyyy back in my Tumblr days. Another thing I did was to update Nightstik’s dialogue a bit. When I was first writing it, I was really trying to write a “serious” comic more in the vein of The Dark Knight Returns or The Crow. What […]

Page 11!

Here is page 11. This was originally page 8 (I think) in the original first issue. I trimmed some of the dialogue back. Like a lot of new writers, I had way to much dialogue on the page. Working with a writer on 2 and 3 taught me that pictures are more effective at telling […]