Tag Archives: #nightstik

Page 17! On time for a change!

There isn’t really too much different about this page compared to its first iteration way back on Tumblr and later here at castle-comics.com. I changed the direction of it a bit, and fixed some anatomy and perspective. The dialogue is also updated. When I first started putting words to the pictures I had drawn so […]

Page 16!

This page was one of the weakest pages in my initial first run. It proved to be quite difficult to re-imagine and put together. A glaring weakness in my early and present work is my disdain for drawing backgrounds and environments, something I have really been pushing to improve. Another interesting bit, was that Tim […]

Page 9! Late!

This is another page that was not in the original number one. One of the things I wasn’t too keen on in the first first issue was what I call character stuff. Character stuff is where we see the hero doing every day ordinary things. Here, we see Nightstik building a model. Another bit of […]

Page 1: Welcome back!

Welcome back to Nightstik #1: Re-mastered! What does re-master mean? I will be re-doing most if not all of the original pages to reflect my better understanding of how to write and draw comics. What will be different? The art and some of the dialogue will change to be more consistent with issues #2-4 and […]