In producing a comic book, I have been surprised at how little I’ve actually drawn my main character in his costume doing hero shit. It’s a lot of mundane stuff that is needed to drive the story. I’ve had to learn how to draw things I hadn’t really put too much thought into before. When […]
Hello! Here we have page 13 (formerly page 9) in the original iteration of this issue. This one is clearer, and obviously more readable, but there was a rough charm to the original that I tried to preserve as much as possible. Here it is! Cheers!
Hello! Welcome to Nightstik or welcome back as the case may be. I finally got enough material to be able to get a page a week out without it falling too far behind so here comes a brand NEW issue #1. Why the re-boot? Well, as I alluded to in my last post, my abilities […]
I will spare you all the usual excuses as to why this is late. Life, back to school, etc. But here is page 7. I initially did this as a four panel spread,but added the middle black panel and went open panel on the top right to break up the page a little. This page […]
Here we get a good look at some physical endurance challenges for Nightstik. Note that Nightstik elects to skip the heat test. This is the part were I ruminate a bit on the arcane and mystical process of producing a comic book. Some pages come together really fast. I get an idea of how to […]
It will be interesting to see what this looks like on the site. This was an incredibly tough set of pages to do, even with the pre-loaded figures that come with Manga Studio. You still have to manipulate them, and you still have to ink the damn things. The figures make getting the poses and […]
Page 4 features another guest penciler that I work with at Fantasium Draw Club in Federal Way, Wa. The script is by the ever talented Josh Nelson and the inks are by yours truly. Eldurwen brings kind of a Manga Style to the table that I had a blast working in. Enjoy!
I have been doing more experimenting with re-doing my original attempts to publish this comic. For a look at my first attempt check out Back in those days, I was still using my stick down lettering and hand drawing the balloons. This page is a bit of a nod to the old Batman TV […]