This page was a bitch to load! Thank God for Iphones! And it’s a day early. Better early than not at all. Update: This page IS still a bitch to load! I updated the letters, as I am now much more adept at sizing and placement. I also committed the unspeakable lettering error of not […]
This is a simply AWESOME page that I feel a touch embarrassed posting on my site as I feel I had very little to do with it. Stephen is quite possibly the finest artist I have ever worked with and he has pushed me to get better. These are Stephen Prescott’s pencils with my inks. […]
Confession time part 2. When I first published this page on Tumblr, I absolutely hated it. Believe it or not, it was a bear to draw. I ended up being pretty unhappy with it. Luckily, Stephen, made my lack of skill look pretty damn good. This page is penciled by me, inked by Stephen Prescott, […]
Ok, it should be REALLY obvious that Stephen, my co-artist on this is FAR better than me. I am honored to work with this man on anything, let alone my own project. This page is a combination of his pencils, my inks, and Josh Nelson’s panel layout. I think we have a very successful page!