I am pretty happy with this page even if it’s a scene out of pretty much any comic book. For some reason, our heroes seem to hang out on rooftops quite a bit. The other ubiquitous setting for heroes is the alley. I am sure there is a symbolic meaning for this, but I suspect […]
This is a beautiful page penciled by Stephen Prescott and inked by myself. Stephen is simply an amazing artist, mentor, and friend. Josh also wrote one hell of a story for us to draw. Many people think of the writing of a comic to simply be the words. There is far more to it than […]
Here we see the mad scientist at work. This was a fun page to come up with. You might notice that this story starts from the perspective of the villain.
Here we are for issue #2! Issue 2 features a story by Josh Nelson, of Comixbrew, a rollicking podcast that talks about all things comics and beer, a wonderful combination if ever there was one. If you drink enough beer, some of Marvel’s editorial decisions in the nineties make a hell of a lot more […]
A bit of explanation: I attempted to have three pages hit tonight. The cover, the title page and page 1. The pages posted in a weird order. I have since corrected the order. Sorry about any mix ups. This cover evokes the old Bob Kane Batman covers.
Whew! Issue one has been one hell of a ride! It took over 28 years to realize this dream. I am extremely grateful to everyone who has been supporting me by letting a 40 year old noodle on a comic book that is probably going no where. A big thanks to the gang at Fantasium […]
This is what we call a “montage.” Strictly speaking, we see a whole lot of time pass by in one page. There is a story behind the villains on this page, and if this whole web comic thing works out, I might even get to tell them! This was originally page 21 back in my […]
So this page returns to “traditional media.” This story very much evolved in bits and pieces over a 30 year time span. I want to say that I penciled this page around 2012 and inked it by hand in 2013. I was still very much into that cross hatching, James O’Barr look. I still dig […]
Page 20 is actually an addition the original story. I felt like I needed a quiet scene between my hero and his mentor. This may sound corny, but a child’s belief in you is very powerful. To a child, an adult is a fearsome and powerful thing to behold. This is a lesson I have […]
In Amazing Spider-Man #1, Peter Parker fantasizes about a life of crime in order to help his sick aunt. Spoiler alert! Peter feels responsible for the death of his Uncle Ben. Since our hero has no sick aunt or dead uncle to feel guilty over, he indulges in a 12-13 year old’s coolest fantasy. For […]